Thursday, 12 October 2017

School Age Program - September Update

This month in school has been busy, busy, busy with all our new friends heading back to the classroom!

The transition from hot summer days to cool fall mornings/afternoons has been quite the adventure as we welcome 8 new friends to our room! Plus Devon, who is back with the children every day before school.

With this fall weather we are trying to squeeze in as much time outside before winter comes and it becomes too cold. Outside play has been a primary focus for us this month. It was so fun running around, enjoying the fresh air and exploring, and we are all very excited for our new play space to be 100% complete.

After school, some of the children chose to enjoy the outdoors while some others stayed inside. They have been using their imaginations with creating all sorts of different fuse bead creations and engaging in various process-based activities planned by the teachers.

Bay blades and Pokémon cards, the children can’t seem to get enough of it. With creating their own Pokémon cards to dueling with one another with their bay blades, it is all they want to do.

On days when it was too chilly or rainy to get outside we were kept busy by creating, and playing in the doctor’s office. I’m proud to say that many successful surgeries were performed.

We are sad to see September come and go but with all the excitement of Thanksgiving and Halloween we cannot wait to dive into October!


Older Floor Preschool - September Update

Hello Fall!

We have had a busy month around here getting to know everyone and our routine/schedules.  We hope you all get a chance to check out our art board and daily overview, which is near the lockers.

The Butterflies have been so excited about practicing to write the letters of their names.  We hear them say "my name starts with the letter ___"!

The Caterpillars have enjoyed singing songs in French.  We are lucky to have Nicole, who is able to share these new songs with us!  The kids are always asking her for more songs in French.

We enjoyed our many walks and playtime at the Rec Centre this month and we are so excited that our own play space is ready for us!!!  The kids have been having so much fun out in the yard and checking out the new changes.

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Toddler Program

Where has the time gone?  This month has been busy with new staff starting and getting the Toddler Program up and running.  We are called the Toddle Bots.  We will be working together to develop simple tasks to prepare for Preschool.  We've already observed some children attempting to help others which displays signs of having/using prosocial skills. 
We are getting the hang of walking to the rec centre.  A few times, we took the parachute and we played some games and sang some songs.  We also gave them rides running around the field while holding the parachute and children sat on it.  The excitement on their faces was priceless!
As requested in the Toddle Bots letter, we are asking for family photos to be brought in so that we can make our family tree.  The Toddle Bots have been talking about their Mom's, Dad's and siblings, so it would be nice to allow them to see a picture while they are at the Centre.
Other than that, we are excited about what October will bring us!

Infant Room Update - September

Fall is in the air!  What a busy September we had.  We have enjoyed our walks to Ashland Park and saw so many squirrels collecting nuts and storing them in the tree's.  We were fascinated by their tree jumping and the high pitch noises they made when they talk to each other.  We also picked many acorns and had fun peeling them apart and checking them out!  We also were looking at the tree's and their bark to see what it felt like.  We examined the bright green moss at the bottom of the tree's.  It felt soft and some of us did not like the feeling 
Inside we loved doing all the fall crafts - gluing leaves on paper trees, gluing faces on scarecrows and coloring with crayons!