Thursday, 7 February 2019

The Little's - January Update

Welcome to 2019!  The Little's were excited to welcome the new year with a short spirit week.  We had PJ and story day and then a science day.  We  were going to do a talent show with the School Age program but our interest in science took over.  We did a lot of experiments but our favorite were the skittle rainbow, elephant toothpaste and exploding bags.

We also spent a lot of time playing in the deep deep snow while we could as you never know when the temps are going to drop.  The children love it outside!!

The children on younger floor showed a lot of interest in planes, trains and cars.  We planned some really cool activities and learned how a plane uses big het engines to fly while a hot air balloon uses fire.  We also tried making parachutes for toys but they did not work to well with our paper airplanes. 

On one the coldest days, we joined the babies in their room so we could watch Reba outside as she threw hot water in the air and it turned into snow!  We then went to play with a bucket of snow that Kaity brought in from outside.

The last week of January was the longest as we could not go outside at all.  We were lucky enough to spend time in the school gym so we could run around and play games!! 

It was our turn to make snack for all our friends at the daycare.  We made WOW butter monster cookies and they were thoroughly enjoyed by everyone!

If you want to see pictures of all our fun, check out the documentation panels in our room or go to our Instagram page!

Infant Room - January Blog

This month we welcomed Walker and Ryan to our Program.. and said good-bye to Owen and Calix, who move over to the Toddlebot Program.  We talked lots about Northern Canada.   We brought in stuffed animal seals, made an igloo out of a cardboard box, made an ice fishing activity, used flash lights to resemble the northern lights, had a tea party with bannock and we even brought the snow inside to play with.  We also flipped through the pages of many different books that were related to the Northern Canada life.