Tuesday, 8 August 2017

School Age-July 2017

Hooray it’s summer! We have had a fantastic start to our summer break!  This has been a very busy month filled with so many different activities and games.

The School Agers and Preschoolers watched a movie together on our movie day. We also started our water days; we all get so soaked and muddy!
Our first field trip we went on was to Kildonan Park; even though it was raining we all had a blast. We did some exploring, playing on the structures, doing lots of games, and visited the ducks.

We brought in our bikes and helmets and had 2 bike days! MPI even came to the Centre and set up an obstacle course for us to use with our bikes; we also learned proper bike safety and the rules of the road.

We had summer games week in the School Age Room, so we created our own GIANT Candy Land board game. We had set it up so each square was a different exercise move; we all worked up a sweat. We also hosted a gym riot for the School Agers and Preschoolers, everyone got involved and had a blast.
The School Agers baked lots of different goodies and had a bake sale right outside the Centre. They did everything on their own! We raised 200 dollars for the Winnipeg Pet Rescue Shelter! GO TEAM!

We had  Mad Science come to the Centre to show us science experiments. We watched what happens when hot and cold water is mixed with dry ice. We also got a special treat at the end.  It was great!

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