kindergarten group really enjoys dramatic play! We were setting up an office
themed play space for them but this quickly evolved into a hair salon/barber
shop. They often will request the staff that come in the room to sit down and
have their 'hair done; washed, cut and styled.' What great use of their imaginations!
Their creative building has also caught our attention, as it is so complex and
creative; sometimes it is a fort with multiple rooms, a parkade with a ramp
system, or a miniature model of the school. They take pride in their work and often
save it and come back multiple times a day to add or make changes to their
projects. They have been enjoying the community walks and have begun to notice
things like bird sounds and changes in familiar gardens. Zoey shared with us
that they planted a new tree in their front yard so as we walk by, the children
always check and discuss it's growth.
At the end of June, the children went on a nature/collecting walk. They ventured
out around the community and each found different nature items to bring them
back to the center and as a group we discussed their findings.
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