Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Toddle Bot - September Update

This month was busy with everyone getting back into routine with school and our full-time children coming pretty regularly. The Toddle Bots have a “Weekly Focus” board up and we will be focusing on shapes, colors, letters and numbers on a weekly basis. We just started the last week of September and we started with Blue, Circle, A and 1. Every week they will change, and we will focus on a new set.

With Jordyn starting school, we are excited to see what kind of exciting ideas and activities that she will want to implement in the room (whether it be on the Littles or Toddle Bots side). She has already talked about how having pictures of their family to see on a daily basis is very important. It can give them a sense of belonging, promotes their self-image and confidence to see their family photos displayed. Not to mention we would like our room to feel like another home, not just a daycare. If you could bring us at least 1 photo of the family, it would be MUCH appreciated.

With the weather starting to get colder, we are asking parents to please send jackets, splash pants, mittens (x2 pairs), hats, boots AND shoes (when snow starts, winter jacket, snow pants, snow boots, mittens, hats). When we play outside in the morning, the playground area can be wet, even if it didn’t rain the night before and they always manage to find a toy that has a bit of water in it, therefore making their mittens soaking wet. We do not have the means to wash/ dry them all before heading out again in the afternoon so 2 pairs of mittens will be useful. Also, please label your children belongings. We try our best to memorize every child’s belongings but with 16+ children in the room it sometimes gets pretty overwhelming and you will be saving us time and stress by just adding their name to it. It will also help you in the long run so that if an item was left outside, and a staff see’s it’s labeled, it will go to that child’s locker rather than going to lost and found or getting lost.

De has been coming to sing to the younger floor children and they are LOVING it!! We have noticed the children knowing the words to songs and they are singing along with her. They help make up songs about themselves and they get really excited when they hear their name. The last week of September the children got to go into groups of 4 and tried the ukulele with a staff’s supervision. The children were instructed to hold the ukulele facing away from their face and they all did very well.

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