Thursday 6 July 2017

Infant Room-June 2017

What an exciting month we had in June!  Roberta's dog had a litter of puppies, and last month they were finally ready to come for a visit.  The children loved giving them hugs and kisses and watching them play and run around.  They were fascinated by how soft their fur was.  Some were very sad to see the puppies go, but we are so happy that we got the opportunity to meet them.  Thanks Roberta!

We had some beautiful weather last month and we spent a lot of time outside in the play yard.  We had many picnics outside and we enjoyed the warm sun on our faces.  We also did a lot of exploration of the nature all around us.  We picked dandelions and smelled them, we found rocks and named the colours we saw on the rocks, and we gathered sticks and practiced counting 1-10.

We used our gross motor skills and practiced running and climbing everywhere.  We really like climbing over the ladybug hill in our play space and jumping off of it!  We can't wait to get a natural hill when our play space gets renovated in the coming months!

We hope to have nice weather throughout July so that we can keep on playing and learning outside.

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