Wednesday 8 November 2017

Infant Room - October Update

October has been a fun month in the Infant Room.  We were finally able to play outside in our play space again! YAY!!  The Children are loving it.  They absolutely love our new sandbox we have.  The weather has been fabulous with the exception of a few cool and windy days.

We have done many fall and Halloween themed activities with the kids.  They have enjoyed them all.  We have also done sensory activities with the water table!  We took advantage while the weather was still nice to do some outdoor activities exploring nature.  The children explored the different things around the play yard looking through a magnify glass, they made their own bird feeder and they loved touching/feeling and collection the many objects found outside; pine cones, branches, wood slices to name a few.

We said good-bye to Emilia and Lexi this month as they moved up to the Toddle Bots Program.  We welcome Hadyen and Sam into our Infant Pogram.  We look forward to watching them learn and grow with us! 

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